Entries for the current Writer’s Challenge are now closed. We will be announcing the winners very soon once the selections are made and the appropriate writers are informed.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Writer’s Challenge Entries Now Closed
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Aberrant Dreams Issue #9 Online!
Aberrant Dreams Issue #9 is now available online! The final line up for the issue is quite impressive as you will see from the details below.
***Featured Story***
Azathoth’s Starship, by Gerald W. Page and Jerry L. Burge
Desperate Barbarians, by Verna McKinnon
Bradbury County, by Rob Shelsky
Mandatory, by Jon Hansen
The Infinite Vision, by Robert A. Madle
The Locket, by Vera Searles
Plague Ship, by Joseph Green
The Dragonfly, by Victor Hugo
If God Came to New Orleans, by Gerald W. Page
By Candlelight, by Rie Sheridan Rose
The Black Vulture, by George Sterling
Perpetual Carrots, Editorial
Movie Corner, Movie Reviews
Myles Cabot Presents, An Interview with Greg Bear
Reader’s Eye On…Rob Shelsky
New Merchandise Available
We have set up a shop on www.spreadshirt.com that contains original t-shirts for Aberrant Dreams, HD-IMAGE, and Slip of the Pen. If you like what we do, feel free to help support our efforts by purchasing one through our merchandise link on left menu bar.
Wednesday, November 1, 2006
Aberrant Dreams Issue #9 is Coming Soon–I promise!
Well, after a bit of trouble selecting the final line up for issue #9, we have completed it, and it is under the final round of proofread. This means that Aberrant Dreams #9 will be coming very soon, and I am sure it will be worth the wait! Look for it by the end of the week. At that time, we will also be closing the contest for entries and our editorial staff will begin selecting the winning stories to go to the selected writers. I can’t wait to see what stories come out of it.
Lonny and I have been rebuilding the website from the ground up, and the finished product is much more complete, original, and ultimately, a great expression of who he and I really are. It will combine the aspects of HD-IMAGE, Aberrant Dreams, and Slip of the Pen into a more complete, entertaining package. It is currently stacking up to launch by the first of the year. I hope you like it.