Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Accepting Submissions for Comic Collections

Lonny came up with a neat idea and I thought I would mention it here. HD-IMAGE has been in small press publishing for roughly three years, featuring mainly speculative fiction. However, we're looking to open our catalogue a little wider.

Within the next year, HD-IMAGE would like to add one or two comic collection titles to its catalogue. As a side note, we do list our publications with Ingram catalogue, which places us in the markets for Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, etc.

Some things to consider:
-we are not accepting comicbook submissions, only collections (e.g., Calvin and Hobbes, The Farside Gallery, Get Fuzzy, etc.)
-advanced royalties are not being offered, but payment of royalties will meet the industry standard
-currently, only black-and-white/gray scale interior printing is being offered
-humor is a huge selling point
-collections containing graphic violence or pornographic material will not be accepted

If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Lonny Harper at comics@hd-image.com. In the email, please state your full name, how long you have been creating comics, the address of your website, and a short blurb about how you promote yourself. Also, attach one (1) .jpeg with an example of your work.

Response time will vary depending on submissions, but is generally two to six weeks.

Feel free to see more about us at HD-IMAGE. Please note that the site does require a Flash player.

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